Materials Fee
We ask actors to pay a $25 materials fee when cast in our shows.
Here's why.
If you took a pottery workshop, or attended a regular cooking class, you would likely be asked to pay a fee to be a part of an activity or hobby you very much enjoy and work hard at, right? Jakespeare Theatre Company's materials fee is similar: a way to buy into something that is your passion.
Theatre is never free to produce, even when shows are in the public domain. As a result, many theatres request a membership or materials fee to be involved. Our fee goes slightly towards defraying the cost of a production, as well as adhering to our philosophy of community theatre.
An average play can cost between $200-$1000, while musicals can be twice as expensive! Even when plays are in the public domain, many other factors that are not immediately obvious to some mean additional costs, such as:
theatre space rental
copies of scripts
paying production staff
One of Jakespeare Theatre Company's primary missions is to provide affordable and high-quality theatrical productions; as such, we do not feel comfortable charging audiences more than $20 on average for a ticket to a show.
Therefore, one way to counter that is with a materials fee. Please note: We would never turn an actor away. from being cast in a show if they were unable to pay this fee.
We do, however, offer the following to the actor as a way to bring further value to this payment:
two free tickets to the show
50% tickets
invited dress rehearsals to friends and family
Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions about this materials fee by visiting our Contact Form.
Thank you for your support!
Theatrically yours,
Jake Lewis
Artistic Director